Reporting important and neglected stories has taken Heidi Kingstone to some of the most desperate places on the planet. She has covered disease and poverty from Mali to Sierra Leone; life in Darfur; and water wars between Palestine and Israel. In 2009, she was commissioned to write a four-part series on the ‘Worst Places in the World’. What propels someone to follow such a career that will bring them face to face with some of the most catastrophic personal tragedies? She wrote Dispatches from the Kabul Café from her experience of the war in Afghanistan as friends fell victim to ambush, kidnap and suicide bombing. A passionate advocate for women’s rights, Heidi witnessed women as heroes, as victims, as freeloaders, as rivals. Her latest book is bluntly titled Genocide: Personal Stories, Big Questions and in today’s constant talk of war the issue is becoming more and more relevant. Heidi gives us insight into genocides in Armenia, Cambodia, Rwanda, the Holocaust and others, piecing together stories from experts and survivors on this very uncomfortable subject that we are still grappling with today. Join Heidi Kingstone for a thoughtful conversation of stories and insight with Humphrey Hawksley on Tuesday March 18th at 1pm (UK time) on the Goldster Magazine Show and Podcast.