Helen McGinn is married with three children and lives in the New Forest with too many dogs and a needy cat. She is also hopeless with a hangover, a condition which inspired her creating The Knackered Mother’s Wine Club, an award-winning blog and best-selling wine book. What authority does she have to author such a title? Helen’s once upon a time day job was as a supermarket wine buyer sourcing her products from all around the world. Then she spent the next half-decade pregnant, hence the knackered mother element. Luckily for Goldster Inside Story, Helen’s arc of success doesn’t stop there. She went on to publish two novels. First the escapist, warm and uplifting This Changes Everything – should first love be forever love? Family. The heart. Long forgotten dreams. And then the witty and wise In Just One Day, a much-acclaimed story of how everything in our lives can change – as the title warns – in just one day. So, how does Helen do it – the dogs, the cats, the house, the children, the writing and – we nearly forget – she is also the wine expert on BBC One’s Saturday Kitchen. Join Helen with Humphrey Hawksley for an inspiring Goldster Inside Story where we will take you to the far flung vineyards of Europe to the juggling of career and home life to the relaxation over a glass of fine, but unusual wine, found in the corner of the Knackered Mother’s Wine Club . 12pm Thursday May 12th 2022.