Mindfulness & Relaxation

Students will learn about meditation, self massage, focus and much more. Join Trev as he guides you through a relaxing yet stimulating array of mindfulness, massage, memory games, brain training and movement.
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The information and images in documents are provided for informational, educational and interest use only. The information has not been prepared for your specific requirements, and it is your responsibility to make sure it is appropriate for you. This information does not contain or constitute, and should not be interpreted as, medical or therapeutic advice. If you have any doubts about your health, you should consult your doctor before implementing anything you read about in the documents. You acknowledge and accept that you read the information and undertake any activities discussed therein at your own risk. The information should not be shared with third parties or used for any commercial purposes.

Trev Neo
Originally from Singapore, Trev is a performer, teacher based in London. He has 15 years of teaching experience in dance, yoga, drama, voice and meditation. He is passionate about chakras, yoga philosophy and sharing of his knowledge of injury prevention and living a pain-free life. Trev's motivational motto is: To make at least one person smile every day.
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