Cleanse The Day Away

Clear your mind and embrace evening calm with our stress-management class, Cleanse The Day Away, a meditative wind down skincare ritual to help you nurture your skin and calm your mind, ready for a restful evening.

Cleanse The Day Away

With Goldster presenter and psychotherapist Lee Pycroft, the Cleanse the Day Away Class is your guide to managing daily stressors. Learn techniques for clearing the mind, eliminating negative thoughts, and shielding against toxic energy to cultivate a relaxed and peaceful evening routine.


What you will need:

Eye makeup remover (if applicable) cotton wool

Cleansing products (cleanser, toner or similar and serum/moisturiser)

Face Oil – (if you don't have a specific face oil, then use anything that you feel is suitable, such as almond or coconut)

Bowl of warm water

Face cloth or flannel

Towel to dry face

Hair band

When is this class on?

The information, images and music are provided for informational, educational and interest use only. The information has not been prepared for your specific requirements, and it is your responsibility to make sure it is appropriate for you. This information does not contain or constitute, and should not be interpreted as, medical or therapeutic advice. If you have any doubts about your health, you should consult your doctor before implementing anything you read about in the documents. You acknowledge and accept that you read the information and undertake any activities discussed therein at your own risk. The information should not be shared with third parties or used for any commercial purposes.

Lee Pycroft
Lee Pycroft, celebrated make-up artist turned psychotherapist, blends beauty with emotional wellness. Honoured with a Help for Heroes 'Hero Award', she now advocates for holistic health through workshops and media, championing the power of self-care and mental health education in transforming lives.
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